Friday, November 1, 2013

Things my Mother taught me

Things My Mother taught me

-       How to be responsible
-       How to love
-       How to show love
-       What good food tastes like
-       What it means to be a mother
-       How to be wacky
-       How to multi-task
-       How to work hard
-       How to care for a decent sized family
-       How to manage a family
-       How to care for someone when they’re sick
-       How things work at markets
-       How to provide for a family
-       How to be there when someone needs you
-       How to comfort someone
-       How to incite discomfort
-       How to try and be positive about negative situations
-       How to use tools
-       How to brush my teeth
-       How to get dressed
-       How to take a bath
-       How to try and forget bad memories
-       How to read
-       The proper way to deal with loss

Things My Mother did not teach me 
-       How to handle bad moods
-       How to deal with disobedient children
-       How to ask for help
-       How to wash/dry clean clothes
-       How to cook
-       How to drive
-       How to deal with someone that annoys you in a positive manner
-       How to handle personal problems relating to your health
-       How to stop doing something even when you know you should
-       How to handle being rendered invalid
-       How to handle an injury
-       How to be a proper passenger in a car
-       How to deal with a dog barking
-       How to do business
-       How to handle disappointment
-       How to avoid being disappointed
-       How to channel negative emotions
-       How to use the computer
-       How to read maps
-       How to take loss properly
-       How to deal with bad memories
-       How to handle family you aren’t fond of
-       How to properly treat a sibling
-       How to calm down

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