Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Associated Fire Events

Associated Fire Events by David Means is a story that is defined by its details, as author David Means extensively and meticulously explains his tale to the reader. It is through this that readers are painted a vast and extensive picture, giving them a better understanding and insight into the story. It is very much a story that "tells" readers what they need to know, informing them of numerous details and traits found in the story and its characters while expecting the readers to fill in the blanks with what information they have. The detailing present in the story is noticeable from the first sentence, where "the declivity where he sat to rest was part of a railroad bed blasted out of the hard shale and lime deposits cut by the Hudson River, which was just down the hill, out of sight, hidden by forestation, backyards, homes." 

This extends to the characters as well, where information about the main male character is revealed one after the other to give readers an in-depth understanding of who he is and what his situation is. In some ways the vast amount of detail can overwhelm a reader, but it also helps to create a more complex and breathing world to explore and understand. 

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