Tuesday, September 3, 2013


"How was the party last night?" asked the boy in the checkered shirt to his compatriot in the blue tank-top. The other boy was burly, with muscles most high school athletes pray to achieve, and looked away from his breakfast. He gave the other boy a quick glance then dove his gaze upward muttering "bogus man... total bogus." The checkered shirt boy appeared shocked at the statement and retorted "Seriously? That bad? Mitch made it sound like it was going to be the "height of our college lives" or something."

At the mere mention of this "Mitch" the burly fellow looked back upon his food and began aggressively stabbing it as if to temper his aggression from running loose. "Well let's just say Mitch isn't really the nice guy we thought he was. Let's just say he likes getting a laugh at others' expense. Let's just say he likes being a sexist, misogynistic, tool that we think are only stereotypes on T.V. shows."

The burly boy concluded this flurry of revelations with a very audble stabbing with his fork into his potatoes. Left somewhat stunned, the checkered shirt boy regained his composure and turned back towards his food. After five or so minutes had passed, he turned back to his friend and asked non-chalantly "How were classes yesterday?"

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