Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Word Theatre

I attended the Word Theatre earlier than most, having agreed to assist with setting up and passing out fliers. I had no idea what to expect from it, though my Creative Writing Professor had it in high regards. I actually was not greatly aware of many of the guests, barring Cassidy Freeman, but was quite interested in seeing what this purported "Word Theatre" was like. That going to such event was required for class didn't hurt either. Suffice to say, it was quite the experience. Hearing each of the actresses, even Jill McCorkle herself, speak out the works gave it such character and life that I don't think could have been truly appreciated by just reading them alone. Each of them did a splendid job, especially Lesley Nicols' reading of "Intervention," where she gave the story such depth and detail that had never struck me when I originally read it. Jill McCorkle's reading of her own work, my first time truly seeing and hearing the author, was also bright, humorous, and filled with emotion. In good spirits, I purchased a copy of "Life After Life" by McCorkle and made sure to get it signed by all the attending players of this "Word Theatre." I very much look forward to the next one!

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